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Teaching Languages Online


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Goertler, S., & Winke, P. (2008). The effectiveness of technology-enhanced foreign language teaching. In S. Goertler & P. Winke (Eds.), CALICO Monograph Series, Volume 7. Opening doors through distance language education: Principles, perspectives, and practices (pp. 233-260). San Marcos, TX: CALICO.

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Sánchez-Serrano, L. (2008). Initiation by fire: Training teachers for distance learning. In S. Goertler & P. Winke (Eds.), CALICO Monograph Series, Volume 7. Opening doors through distance language education: Principles, perspectives, and practices (pp. 153-174). San Marcos, TX: CALICO.

Taylor, A., & McQuiggan, C. (2008). Faculty development programming: If we build it, will they come? EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 31(3). Retrieved December 30, 2008, from Educause.

Wood, C. (2005). The virtual classroom redefines education. Edutopia, 1(4). Retrieved October 2, 2007, from



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