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Spanish Learner Videos & Transcriptions

View the visual prompts and task instructions we used to elicit spontaneous samples of learner language for the videos on this site.

Here are the complete videos with transcriptions.


Transcript (PDF)

Question Task
Transcript (PDF)

Retell Task
Transcript (PDF)
Writing Sample (PDF)

Narrative Task
Transcript (PDF)
Writing Sample (PDF)



Transcript (PDF)

Question Task
Transcript (PDF)

Retell Task
Transcript (PDF)
Writing Sample (PDF)

Narrative Task
Transcript (PDF)
Writing Sample (PDF)


Raúl & Henry (Partner Tasks)

Jigsaw Task
Transcript (PDF)

Comparison Task
Transcript (PDF)


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Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414